What We Do

Circular Ventures, LLC provides advisory services to a myriad of industries such as consumer products brands, industry associations, NGOs, private equity/venture capital and investment banking firms for due diligence, recyclers/MRFs, waste and recycling consulting firms, packaging design firms, recovered materials buyers/sellers/traders for domestic and export markets, as well as the public sector. Vast knowledge and expertise in several ESG (environmental, social, and governance) issues, particularly related to waste, recycling, landfill diversion/zero waste, sustainable packaging and the challenging public policy issues and legislation…….especially EPR (extended producer responsibility), with the end goal of helping the private and public sectors achieve their circular economy and sustainability goals for their customers, employees, and shareholders. But the end-result will be the creation of a healthier planet. Circular Ventures, LLC has access to some of the leading ESG experts in the world to contribute to your project.

Who We Serve

Circular Ventures, LLC provides advisory services to consumer products brands, industry associations, NGOs, private equity/venture capital and investment banking firms for due diligence, recyclers/MRFs, waste and recycling consulting firms, packaging design firms, recovered materials buyers/sellers/traders for domestic and export markets, as well as the public sector. 

Circular Ventures, LLC currently provides advisory services to the following:

  • Board Member for a division of one of the world’s largest recovered materials trading companies 

  • Strategic Advisor to a large multi-national recycling and circular economy environmental consulting firm that serves both public and private sector client 

  • Exclusive Agent for an inventor’s intellectual property that enables a more sustainable packaging solution for consumer goods marketers or packaging manufacturers 

  • Serve as a subject matter expert on a sustainable packaging networking group with global reach to assist the public and private sectors in understanding how material selection, packaging, and recycling impacts climate change  

  • Collaborating with and advising a 501(c)3 organization that strives to end pollution by working with local and national governments, NGOs, socially responsible investors and others on packaging recycling, and sustainability, relating to public policy/legislation. 

Let’s Work Together